WHAT IT IS: A box of (2) GOJI HYDROJELLY™ MASKS. EACH BOX CONTAINS: 2 GOJI HYDROJELLY™ MASKS, 2 Trays, 1 Spatula & 1 Scoop Biodegradable tray! throw it away without feeling guilty! Love Skin Love Earth 🌏
"Empowerment Starts Here!"
We specialize in highlighting and enhancing individuals curves on their face and body. Every purchase helps our cancer & hair loss outreach programs.
WHAT IT IS: A box of (2) GOJI HYDROJELLY™ MASKS. EACH BOX CONTAINS: 2 GOJI HYDROJELLY™ MASKS, 2 Trays, 1 Spatula & 1 Scoop Biodegradable tray! throw it away without feeling guilty! Love Skin Love Earth 🌏